Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainLas plataformas de streaming musical y su inuencia en redes sociales: estudio comparativo Spotify y Amazon Music en España doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | 227January-June of 2023ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978How to cite this article: Martínez-Sánchez, M. E.; Bustos Díaz, J. y Nicolás-Sans, R. (2023). Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in Spain. Doxa Comunicación, 36, pp. 227-242.ía Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez. PhD in Advertising and PR from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza) and Master’s Degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication from the Universidad San Jorge. Her original lines of research focus on the development of methodological tools for the study of consumer behaviour at the point of sale, as well as the study of perceived values in advertising in relation to eating disorders. Subsequently, she has specialised in the use of technologies applied to Marketing. She is currently the director of the Ocial Degree in Marketing and a full-time lecturer and member of the Digital Transformation in Marketing (TDM) research group at ESIC Business and Marketing School.ESIC Business & Marketing School/ESIC University, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0002-7344-9744Javier Bustos Díaz. PhD in Communication (2017), Master in Journalistic Communication Research (2013) and Degree in journalism (2012) from the University of Malaga. He is currently Associate Professor of the Degree area at ESIC Business & Marketing School and Director of Research. He also has a six-year research period. In his academic career he has accumulated more than fty publications including articles in the Journal Citations Reports and the Scimago Journal & Country Rank and book chapters in publishers such as Tirant lo Blanch, McGraw-Hill, Gedisa, Tecnos or Pirámide among others.ESIC Business & Marketing School/ESIC University, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0001-7932-7986Rubén Nicolás-Sans. He is currently Academic and Quality Director at ESIC Business & Marketing School Catalonia. Dr Nicolás-Sans is a PhD professor accredited by ANECA and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has been a visiting scholar at the Robotics Institute (Carnegie Mellon University). His research is focused on Articial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Marketing. Dr Nicolás-Sans has published several articles and book chapters and participated in R&D projects funded by the Spanish National Plan for Scientic and Technological Research and Innovation (National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society) and Research Groups accredited by the Catalan Government. Dr Nicolás-Sans is Principal Investigator at the ESIC Business & Marketing School Digital Transformation in Marketing Group (aka TDM).ESIC Business & Marketing School/ESIC University, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0002-9234-5764

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228 | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicación1. Introductione evolution of the music scene has encouraged the emergence of new music platforms. In this context, the Internet acts as a primary vehicle, as it is the reason why music consumption has increased (Getrudix Barrio & Gertrudix Barrio, 2014). Furthermore, it is worth noting the role of technologies in the advent of streaming (Buil, 2017). e wide variety of devices available to the user allows them to access from anywhere (Marcos Ramos et al., 2020); in fact, there is an increase in the use of smartphones and tablets which leads the user to search for and learn about a pattern of usage of music streaming services on mobile platforms (Zhang et al., 2013). ese factors not only inuence the eld of music consumption, but also in the context of communication strategies, given that social networks and the new relationships with audiences that are generated are shaping the way we interact and communicate (Campos Freire, 2008).e wide variety of platforms oering digital music harbours a high rate of competition. According to Statista (2020a, 2020b), the market shares are: Spotify (34%), Apple Music (21%), Amazon Music (15%), Tencent (12%), YouTube Music (5%) and others (13%). (Statista, 2021). us, despite diversication, Spotify has become established as the main platform. Its audience mainly consists of people between 25 and 35 years old (28%) and between 35 and 44 years old (30%). Also, the third relevant segment is between 18 and 24 years old (18%) (Statista, 2020a, 2020b). Spotify is positioned as the leading platform for digital music consumption among young audiences and the smartphone for the primary device for use (Rivera Magos, 2020).Currently, 85% of internet users between the ages of 16 and 70 use social networks or, in other words, 27 million people in Spain. e age ranges that use these platforms most are concentrated between 25 and 40 (35%) and 41 and 54 (33%). Among Abstract:Music streaming platforms have become a phenomenon present in today’s popular culture. Nowadays, it is not about positioning yourself as the rst in traditional radio programs, but to do it in Spotify or Amazon Music. e music industry has changed, and it has done so at a time when social networks and the dissemination of content play an essential role. Based on this, this study analyses the inuence of two of the main platforms of this nature, Spotify and Amazon Music, on the main social networks in Spain: Facebook and Instagram. For this purpose, the study employs a quantitative methodology based on massive data collection through the FanPage Karma tool. e initial conclusions show that there is an extrapolation between the success in social networks and the market share of the main platforms studied. Keywords:Communication; brand management; Spotify; Amazon Music; Facebook; Instagram.Resumen:Las plataformas de streaming musical se han convertido en un fenóme-no presente en la cultura popular de nuestros días. Ahora, no se trata de posicionarse como el primero en los programas radiofónicos tradicio-nales, sino en hacerlo en Spotify o Amazon Music. La industria musical ha cambiado y lo ha hecho en un momento donde las redes sociales y la difusión de contenidos juegan un papel esencial. El presente estudio analiza la inuencia de dos de las principales plataformas de esta na-turaleza, Spotify y Amazon Music, en las principales redes sociales en España: Facebook e Instagram. Para ello, el trabajo emplea una meto-dología cuantitativa basada en la recopilación de datos masiva a través de la herramienta FanPage Karma. Las conclusiones iniciales muestran que existe una extrapolación entre el éxito en redes sociales y la cuota de mercado de las principales plataformas estudiadas.Palabras clave:Comunicación; gestión de marca; Spotify; Amazon Music; Facebook; Instagram.Received: 31/05/2022 - Accepted: 18/07/2022 - Early access: 12/09/2022 - Published: 01/01/2023Recibido: 31/05/2022 - Aceptado: 18/07/2022 - En edición: 12/09/2022 - Publicado: 01/01/2023
doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023María Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Javier Bustos Díaz and Rubén Nicolás-SansISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978229the massive, non-specialised, social networks, Facebook is the social network with the highest number of users (although this has been decreasing since 2019), followed by Instagram (IAB Spain, 2021) which may reect the connection between the users of certain social networks and digital music platforms. erefore, the existence of two sectors with a great capacity for impact and potential growth due to their evolution is evident. Understanding how the big music streaming brands work and how they behave on social networks has become a fundamental factor of knowledge. erefore, the main objective of this study is to analyse the inuence of the main music streaming platforms in Spain, based on Spotify and Amazon Music. 2. State of the question 2.1. e advent of streaming in the music markete term Streaming now forms part of our everyday vocabulary. Just as in the eld of OTTs (over-the-top), which refers to audio-visual consumption, with platforms such as Netix, Amazon Prime or HBO, in the eld of music, we can nd specialised networks such as Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple Music. In this context, it should be noted that the concept of streaming refers to the consumption of content without the need to download any les to the computer, in other words, immediate (Chorén, 2014).Music has historically formed a fundamental part of culture and society, and the birth of the internet and technological advances have even changed distribution strategies, thus favouring the increase of audiences and their reach (Hormigos-Ruiz, 2010) is change in the distribution and consumption model was generated, as a priority, along with the birth of the rst streaming platforms, which allowed illegal downloading to be curbed and thus, six years later, are generating a turnover of almost 65 million euros (Buil, 2017).One of the rst music streaming platforms was born in 2006, but it was not until 2007 that it was ocially launched in some European countries and did not reach the United States until 2011 (Jáuregui, 2015). is was Spotify. Although its initial business model was not as it is congured today (for reasons of subscription types, payment and/or the possibility for free consumption), it was a turning point in the market since, as a new successful business model, competition began to proliferate with companies such as Amazon and Apple, which, although it was not their specic business purpose, as it was in the case of Spotify, expanded their product portfolio accordingly. (Umaschi, 2019). 2.2. Digital social networks as communication tools One of the possible factors of success of social networks being a fundamental part of the corporate strategy of companies is because they represent a means of direct contact with the customer, where users can be attended to in a more individual way (Del Olmo & Fondevilla, 2014) in addition to the fact that the favourable statistics on the level of use and user engagement through these tools has led companies to pay greater attention to them (Kim & Ko, 2010).
230 | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicaciónis bidirectionality and interactivity that exists in the context of social networks, which is possible thanks to new technologies (Goméz & Benito, 2014; Caldevilla, 2010), is not only generated by the possibility of engaging in a conversation with the customer, of obtaining instantaneous feedback (Selman, 2017), but it has to be understood from an omni-channel perspective and the quest to oer a complete user experience. erefore, “more and more business strategies are implementing marketing techniques based on a global strategy through networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the aim of promoting website trac and attracting users” (Jiménez-Marín & Pérez-Curiel, 2021, p. 13). ese benets have meant that social networks have been congured as another medium within the communication plan (Vazquez Brotto, 2015). Although it is true that, in order to achieve a real impact of these in terms of business performance, a relevant eort is required. In this sense, it is considered essential to contract a digital services agency or a community manager (Uribe et al., 2013). In other words, a person whose functions are focused on building and maintaining communities around a brand on the Internet (Fonseca, 2014), along with the inuence that can be generated through recommendations (Pérez-Curiel & García Gordillo, 2020).In order for there to be an eective communication strategy within social networks, companies must be predisposed to maintain and manage this conversational model with customers. In short, social networks are thus congured as a space where the intermediaries in terms of media between manufacturer or advertiser and customer disappear, thus establishing a close and direct contact. (Benedetti, 2020). ere are dierent types of social networks depending on their content. In terms of general content, as previously mentioned, Instagram is one of the most widely used platforms and is also a tool capable of generating a positive return in the medium term (Ramos, 2013), which are the main reasons why companies use it to gain visibility within their market. (Casado-Riera & Carbonell, 2018).Likewise, the functionality of these social networks is not only limited to advertising and sales promotion, but also to customer relationship management, user research and behavioural analysis (Ashley & Tuten, 2014; Lorenzo-Romero et al., 2011). Furthermore, in line with the target audience, Aguado & García (2009, p. 11) point out that we are facing “a communication model in which, in order to compete, companies must understand that they do not sell products to individual customers, but rather to networks of customers”. Romo-Jaramillo et al. (2020) propose ve phases for the management of the social media strategy: 1) Phase 1. Promote the product oered, 2) Phase 2. Attract users and brand followers, 3) Phase 3. Interact experiences on the use of the product and its quality, 4) Phase 4. Build loyalty requirements in oers and promotions and 5) Phase 5. Monitor the behaviour of users and followers of social networks to determine the level of promotional feasibility and sales giving special importance to the role of monitoring, which responds to the measurement and analysis of what refers to phases 2, 3 and 4, through KPIs, such as: number of followers, publications made and their social performance (according to comments and level of shares by users). erefore, the nal objective of the process is customer loyalty and social networks are a medium that, by allowing direct contact with the customer, can favour permanence over time as well as the level of recommendations (Chávez, 2019), factors that can favour an increase in the impact on the market.
doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023María Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Javier Bustos Díaz and Rubén Nicolás-SansISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-39782312.3. Marketing analytics One of the success factors of social networks is the possibility of continuous measurement through various tools that provide endless information on the results that an account is obtaining. e limits of this type of measurement are non-existent as they are even reaching sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, which focuses on the study of large amounts of data to extract behavioural patterns (Romero Moreno et al., 2020).In this context, the concept of metrics appears, in order to refer to the instrument that makes it possible to measure and the term analytics, which refers to the process, to data analysis (Sandulescu Budea, 2018). For example, in the case of Instagram, some of the metrics that could be included would be the monitoring of keywords, hashtags, users, number of comments, followers and likes, and number of shares. (Ramos, 2013). In this sense, for example, despite the fact that there is no consensus on how to measure engagement, Laurence (2017) proposes a formula that can be used to analyse this data and nd out the degree of engagement (Engagement Ratio) of the users.ER= Nº Likes + Nº de CommentsX 100Nº of Followerse increase in resources with respect to analysis and monitoring tools for social networks is relevant. ey allow, as a priority, to track what users do about a company and its products or about any area within social networks, where we can nd, for example, Social Mention, Amplied Analytics, Lithium Social Media Monitoring and Trackur. (Batrinca & Treleaven, 2015). More specically, when looking at Social Media Analytics (SMA), Zeng et al. (2010, p. 14) state that:Social media analytics is concerned with developing and evaluating informatics tools and frameworks to collect, monitor, analyse, summarise, and visualise social media data, usually driven by specic requirements from a target application. Social media analytics research serves several purposes: 1) facilitating conversations and interaction between online communities and 2) extracting useful patterns and intelligence to serve entities that include, but are not limited to, active contributors in ongoing dialogues.erefore, SMAs are considered as a signicant process for conducting research at the business level, in order to nd strong support by establishing reference models for decision-making (Stieglitz et al., 2014). ere is a diverse range of research that tries to determine the exact parameters and thus establish a consolidated and agreed model for digital audience measurement, but due to the constant evolution of social networks these measurement systems must always be in line with each other, which does not allow a clear system to be established (Quintas-Froufe & González-Neira, 2021)Although there is no single procedure for analysing brands on social networks, one indicator that can determine the success of an account on any social network can be the number of followers it has compared to the competition. However, a more relevant element for considering that an account has a high reputation is the capacity for interaction with its audiences (Castelló Martínez, 2012).
232 | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicaciónMetrics make up a very relevant data package for the evolution of the company. Nevertheless, the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is necessary according to the objectives of the social media strategy in order to monitor the results and thus be able to assess the success of the management. (Moncayo & Zevallos, 2018). In other words, companies should consider establishing a plan to analyse and measure the data collected, because, in this way, by collecting continuous information on users and their interaction and behaviour with the dierent social networks, it facilitates the possibility of being proactive in decision-making (Moe & Schweidel, 2017). erefore, companies can adapt their communication according to the results and oer an optimal user experience. 3. Methodologye work is based on a quantitative methodology which focuses on the nature of real events as they occur objectively by trying to point out their common characteristics with other similar events, their origins and their consequences. (Ruiz Olabuénaga, 2012). To work on these proles in social networks, the FanPage Karma tool has been used, which allows the collection of data on the public proles in social networks of brands and companies (Caballero-Escusol et al. 2021; Bustos and Ruiz del Olmo, 2021), personalities, inuencers and politicians (Bustos Diaz y Ruiz del Olmo, Martínez Sánchez et al., 2021).3.1. Units of analysisAs mentioned above, this study deals in detail with the evolution and impact of Spotify and Amazon Music in Spain and, more specically, within the eld of social networks. Specically, this work aims to study the inuence of the following platforms on the Instagram and Facebook social networks. Previous studies, such as the one by Bustos Díaz y Ruiz del Olmo (2021) Pérez-Curiel and García Gordillo (2020) Cha, Haddadi, Benevunuto, Gummadi (2010), address the concept of inuence as the sum of the dierent basic variables oered by the social network Twitter. is study partly replicates this methodology, but applies an update based on the variables described in section 3.2.At this point, it is necessary to delimit the area of study, that is, in this case it focuses on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. e social network Twitter has not been analysed as Amazon Music does not have a specic Amazon Music Spain prole on Twitter. As for Apple Music, although it is the second largest company in terms of market share, it does not have a single account for Spain so it has been excluded from the analysis. On the other hand, it is necessary to divide the study of both social networks into two dierent periods:Facebook. e study analyses the impact that both music platforms have had on this social network for one year, namely 2020. anks to this, it is possible to obtain a series of trends sustained by the variables explained in the following section.Instagram. It was not until 7th August 2020 that Amazon Music created its ocial prole on this social network. erefore, the study is delimited from the arrival of Amazon Music in Spain on Instagram until October 2020, when the data collection was stopped.
doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023María Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Javier Bustos Díaz and Rubén Nicolás-SansISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-39782333.2. VariablesTable 1 below shows all the variables used in the study of the social network strategy of the dierent proles analysed and their description. As can be seen, those variables that are common to both social networks taken as a reference are grouped together; but, subsequently, other variables specic to each of them are taken into account.Table 1. Description of study variables Common variable on Facebook and InstagramVariable descriptionUncommon variable Facebook and InstagramVariable descriptionFacebookWeekly developmentsIn relation to the time period studied, it is the weekly growth based on the number of followers.ImagesPublications that are image-based in nature. ey may have an associated textFrequency of publicatione average number of posts published per day in the selected period.VideosPublications that are video in nature. May have associated textCommitmente average number of interactions on a prole’s posts per follower per day.StateStatus publicationsInstagramGrowthDierence between the number of fans on the rst and last day of the selected periodImagesPublications that are image-based in nature. ey may have an associated textTotal number of commentsNumber of user comments posted in the selected period to which the page reacted VideosPublications that are video in nature. May have associated textFansNumber of users who on the last day of the selected period like the page CarouselSet of images published in the same postSource: Fanpage Karma. Table prepared by the authors 4. ResultsAs indicated in the methodology, it is evident that there are two blocks of variables: those that are common to both platforms and those that are specic to each social network. e block of common variables refers to quantitative aspects based on the trend and presence of each of the brands in the social networks selected for the study, while the variables specic to each of the social networks under study focus on the typology of the posts. For this reason, the results are divided into separate sections.
234 | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicación4.1. Amazon Music and Spotify’s presence on Facebook and InstagramTable 2. Common variables on Facebook and InstagramWeekly devel-opmentsFrequency of publicationCommitmentGrowthTotal number of commentsFansFacebook 01/01/2020 to 31/10/2020Amazon Music0,62%0,50,0055%464K5.5K1,9MSpotify0%0, 60,011%032K22,4 MInstagram 07/08/2020 to 31/10/2020Amazon Music0%0,50,10%0%13K8KSpotify0,44%1,10,72%24k277K137KSource: Fanpage Karma. Table prepared by the authorse rst thing that can be seen in Table 2 is that Spotify is the music streaming platform with the most followers on either Facebook or Instagram. However, there are many dierences when analysing the data in detail.First of all, Facebook. On Mark Zuckerberg’s social network, Spotify seems to have reached its ceiling. It is worth remembering at this point that when growth is referred to, it is described in methodology as the dierence between the number of fans on the rst and last day of the selected period. As shown in Table 2, although Spotify is the social network with the highest number of followers, its growth is zero. Moreover, the data provided by the analysis tool reveals that in the period from 31st July to 31stAugust it reached its highest ever number of followers, reaching 22.8M followers. However, despite the loss of followers, Spotify continues to be the music platform studied that generates the most interaction on this social network, with 32,000 comments recorded during the study period. Amazon Music is trending in the opposite direction to Spotify on Facebook. e rst thing that stands out is the dierence in the number of followers: compared to Spotify’s 22.4 million Facebook fans at the time of the study, Amazon Music had less than 2 million, with 1.9 million followers. However, there is a decisive fact to be noted here, and that is the age of each of these platforms on Mark Zuckerberg’s social network. According to data extracted from the ocial pages on this social network, Spotify opened its fan page on 20 November 2012, compared to Amazon Music, which did so ve years later, on 24 October 2017.
doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023María Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Javier Bustos Díaz and Rubén Nicolás-SansISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978235However, unlike Spotify, Amazon Music has not stopped growing in terms of volume of followers during 2020 showing a growth of 464,000 followers during the study period. On the other hand, the conversation it generates on Facebook is less than that which Spotify can provoke, in this sense, compared to the 32,000 comments indicated above that Spotify generated, Amazon Music led to 5,500 comments being created. Finally, in terms of posting frequency, in both cases it is very similar, with an average daily posting frequency of 0.5 for Amazon Music and 0.6 for Spotify.e case of Instagram is striking. One would expect that, as Amazon Music is the most recent to open its account, its impact and growth should be greater. However, the opposite process occurs as in the case of Facebook. As can be seen in Table 2, Amazon Music’s growth on Instagram is 0%. is gure, as we have already indicated above, reveals that from the time it was created until the end of the study (August-October) it has not gained any more fans. erefore, it can be said that when the prole was created it had a great impact, as it attracted 8,000 followers at the time of its creation, but then it has not generated more community. Its engagement is 0.10% and posting frequency is 0.5, which is less than one post per day. In contrast to these gures, Spotify seems to have a rm commitment to the image-based social network. It has 137,000 followers on this platform, a growth of 24,000 followers in the months studied and a weekly evolution of 0.44%. Moreover, its posting frequency is slightly higher than one per day, with an average of 1.1 posts per day. In addition, two relevant data are considered with respect to the engagement index and the comments. Firstly, we observe the dierence in the level of engagement depending on the social network addressed. As shown in Table 2, engagement rates on Facebook are 0.0055% for Amazon Music and 0.011% for Spotify; however, on Instagram there are higher levels with respect to this index: 0.10% and 0.72% respectively. With regard to the number of comments, there is also a clear dierence depending on the social network; both digital platforms have a higher number of comments on Instagram than on Facebook.4.2. Types of content on FacebookAs specied in the methodology, there are two types of variables, in this section and in the following section the analysis of the non-common variables is carried out.Table 3. Analysis of variables specic to Facebook. Table prepared by the authors Types of content on FacebookImagesVideosStateAmazon Music83800Spotify131363Source: Fanpage Karma. Table prepared by the authors
236 | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023Music streaming platforms and their inuence on social networks: a comparative study of Spotify and Amazon Music in SpainISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicaciónIn this case, we look at the type of posts made on Facebook by the platforms under study: Amazon Music and Spotify. Firstly, we can observe a tendency to abandon one of the typologies typical of this social network: Status. Posting statuses seems to be falling into disuse. As can be seen in Table 3, in the case of Amazon Music, no statuses have been published during the study period, which in this case covers the period from January to October 2020, and only 3 publications of this type in the case of Spotify. On the other hand, the remaining two types of publications: images and videos, are the ones that stand out the most. In particular, it is interesting that there are two dierent strategies on the part of each of these companies. In this sense, Amazon Music is committed to a balance between both types of publications, namely 83 images and 80 videos published during the study period. It is clear that the increasingly evident tendency to relegate text in proportion to images means that this trend is becoming the usual line of work. It is also particularly striking that audio-visual production occupies so much space in the case of a music platform.Spotify places more value on image than video. As we have pointed out in the previous paragraphs, it seems to have a dierent strategy to Amazon Music. In this case, during the study period, it published a total of 131 images compared to 36 videos. In this case, the publication of 3 dierent statuses has been observed during the analysis period. However, it is still a very low use and, therefore, initially, we can point to a trend towards the disappearance of this type of information.4.3. Types of content on InstagramTable 4. Analysis of Instagram’s own variablesTypes of content on InstagramImagesVideosCarouselAmazon Music696620Spofy89122Source: Fanpage Karma. Table prepared by the authorse rst thing that can be seen in Table 4 on the typology of content on Instagram is that Facebook’s strategy is replicated. us, Amazon Music is committed to a balance between images and videos compared to Spotify, which places more value on images.It is interesting to note, as in the previous case, that within the dierentiating typology between Facebook and Instagram, these are the least used tools. In this sense, if statuses were previously presented as a style in disuse, the carousel on Instagram is the least used option in the management of social networks in both companies, especially in the case of Spotify, which has published only two publications of this type in the analysis period. On the other hand, Amazon Music shows that there is a
doxa.comunicación | nº 36, pp. 227-242 | January-June of 2023María Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Javier Bustos Díaz and Rubén Nicolás-SansISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978237constant use of this type of publication with 20 in total, however, it is still a much lower number than the other two available categories.With regard to Amazon Music’s specic strategy, as previously highlighted, it duplicates Facebook’s idea. In this sense, we nd 69 images and 66 videos, which clearly m