Pro-environmental impact on university students: emotions generated and involvement promoted by a UN storytellingImpacto proambiental en jóvenes universitarios: emociones generadas e implicación promovida por un storytelling de la ONU doxa.comunicación | nº 37, pp. 193-212 | 193July-December of 2023ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978How to cite this article:Del Moral Pérez, M. E.; López-Bouzas, N.; Castañeda Fernández, J. and Bellver Moreno, M. C. (2023). Pro-environmental impact on university students: emotions generated and involvement promoted by a UN storytelling. Doxa Comunicación, 37, pp. 193-212. Esther del Moral Pérez. University Professor. She teaches ICT applied to Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. University of Oviedo (Spain). She has 4 six-year research periods. She coordinates the research group TECN@:Technology and Learning. Principal Investigator of Competitive Projects, author of impact articles in prestigious magazines. Research Areas: media, digital literacy, TV and childhood, video games, social networks, augmented reality, digital applications, gamication, education in rural areas, etc. She carried out research stays in: Calgary (Canada), Poitiers (France), Freiburg (Germany), ITD Genoa (Italy). He taught courses at Ibero-American universities (Chile, Mexico and Peru).University of Oviedo, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0002-9143-5960Nerea López-Bouzas. PhD student in Education and Psychology with a University Teacher Training Scholarship (FPU). Early Childhood Education Teacher and Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation in Early Childhood and Primary Education. She collaborates with the Department of Education Sciences and is a member of the TECN@: Technology and Learning research group of the University of Oviedo. Her lines of research focus on the integration of technological resources in the teaching-learning process, inclusive education, digital applications, augmented reality, gamication, analysis of audiovisual narratives, etc.University of Oviedo, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0003-0753-0672Jonathan Castañeda Fernández. Associate professor at the University of Oviedo attached to the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE). Graduate in Pedagogy (obtaining the National Award for Completion of University Studies) and PhD with international mention from the University of Oviedo, achieved thanks to a scholarship from University Teacher Training (FPU) and a pre-doctoral research stay at the Lusiada University of Lisbon. At the teaching level, he has taught subjects primarily linked to educational research and evaluation. And at the research level, he has participated in various projects (lines: evaluation of training activities, learning approaches, ecosystems to build global citizenship, etc.) and is currently part of the “TECN@: Technology and Learning” research group of the Oviedo UniversityUniversity of Oviedo, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0003-4934-2979is content is published under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License. International License

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194 | nº 37, pp. 193-212 | July-December of 2023Pro-environmental impact on university students: emotions generated and involvement promoted by a UN storytellingISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978doxa.comunicación1. IntroductionGrowing public awareness of the need to look after the environment has not always translated into environmentally responsible behaviours (Durán et al., 2010). is has led to a more intensive search for strategies for changing behaviours in various sectors of the population in an attempt to ensure prosperity for all as part of a new agenda of sustainable development (United Nations, 2015). e Sustainable Development Goals call for international engagement with the environment, which Abstract: e storytelling of the UN environmental campaign seeks to raise awareness among young people. is research (Fragmento eliminado para anonimizar el artículo) aims to: 1) nd out how storytelling impacts, identifying their aective-emotional responses and detecting the degree of environmental involvement –sensitization, awareness and mobilization– generated; and 2) identify their opinions about the persuasive capacity of the narrative. e methodology is mixed: quantitative, as an empirical non-experimental descriptive and correlational study, with an exploratory and analytical nature of data collected with a questionnaire. And, qualitative, after analyzing the opinions expressed in focus groups. e results underline that the storytelling message generates a lot of interest and empathy with the protagonist. Its pro-environmental impact is high and is related to the level of ecological awareness of the students. e narrative is highly valued as it promotes a great environmental implication. It raises awareness and raises awareness to reduce the consumption of plastics and, to a lesser extent, mobilizes, since not everyone changes their attitude. Finally, this strategy manages to transform an informative message into a persuasive story, activating the interest of young people. However, it is necessary to design campaigns that invite to carry out concrete actions and propose eco-sustainable behaviors that facilitate their emulation.Keywords:Storytelling; environment; emotions; pro-environmental impact; youth.Resumen: Se utiliza la campaña medioambiental de la ONU “Rompe con el plástico” dentro del Proyecto Go Green! para sensibilizar a los universitarios sobre el consumo de plásticos. La investigación se propone: 1) conocer las respuestas afectivo-emocionales y nivel de implicación proambiental de estudiantes de grados de Educación tras visionarla; y 2) identicar sus opiniones sobre la pertinencia de su narrativa, mensaje y protagonista. La metodología es mixta: cuantitativa, en tanto estudio empírico no experimental, con muestreo no probabilístico –participantes del proyecto (N=296)–, con carácter descriptivo y correlacional apoyándose en datos recabados con un cuestionario. Y, cualitativa, mediante grupos focales. Los resultados subrayan que el mensaje de la campaña apoyada en la técnica del storytelling genera mucho interés y empatía con la protagonista. La narrativa está muy bien valorada y propicia gran implicación medioambiental. Su impacto proambiental es alto, relacionado con el nivel de conciencia ecológica de los estudiantes. Sensibiliza y conciencia para reducir el consumo de plásticos, aunque no todos cambian su actitud. Concluyendo, la campaña transforma un mensaje informativo en relato persuasivo, activando el interés de la audiencia. Sin embargo, es preciso diseñar campañas más explícitas que inviten a realizar acciones concretas y propongan comportamientos eco-sostenibles emulables.Palabras clave: Storytelling; medioambiente; emociones; impacto proambiental; jóvenes.Received: 17/11/2022 - Accepted: 20/02/2023 - Early access: 27/03/2023 - Published: 01/07/2023Recibido: 17/11/2022 - Aceptado: 20/02/2023 - En edición: 27/03/2023 - Published: 01/07/2023M. Carmen Bellver Moreno. Associate Lecturer. University of Valencia (Spain). Hired Doctor. Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Research lines: creativity, social networks and ICT and education, adolescence and youth. She has one six-year period of research. She has carried out research and teaching stays in Québec (Canada), Florence (Italy) and Sántarem (Portugal). She has participated as a researcher in competitive projects and in impact publications.University of València, Spain[email protected]ORCID: 0000-0002-7718-9652