The notion of homeland in Unidos Podemos discourse (2016-2017): the articulation of a constructive patriotism

La noción de patria en el discurso de Unidos Podemos (2016-2017): la articulación de un patriotismo constructivo

doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 303-314 | 303

July-December of 2020

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

How to cite this article:

González Gómez, C. (2020). The notion of homeland in Unidos Podemos discourse (2016-2017): the articulation of a constructive patriotism. Doxa Comunicación, 31, pp. 303-314.

Carmen González Gómez. Graduated in Hispanic Philology (University of Salamanca), Master in Spanish Language (Autonomous University of Madrid). I am currently working on my doctoral thesis on Spanish political discourse at the University of Salamanca. My research areas are discourse analysis and cognitive linguistics. I am the author of several papers on political discourse. I am a teaching assistant for undergraduates at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Salamanca, and I am also a member of research projects related to the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

University of Salamanca, Spain

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0408-0442


In the Spanish political language, the lexical selection used to refer to the concept of nation shows striking ideological differences: right-wing parties use the term Spain whereas progressive or nationalist parties favour the phrase Spanish State. Similarly, the term homeland is generally associated with conservative imagery. Since its appearance on the political scene in 2014, Podemos has tried to give a new meaning to the concept of homeland, articulating a constructive patriotism opposed to the blind patriotism of the conservatives. In order to do this, Podemos has tried to link the notion of homeland to the defense of people´s rights and freedoms and to the Welfare State. This work aims to explain what the appropriation of the term has consisted of in the discourse of Podemos during its first two years of parliamentary career (2016-2017).


Constructive patriotism; political discourse; Unidos Podemos; homeland; frame.


En el lenguaje político español, la selección léxica empleada para aludir a la nación revela diferencias ideológicas: mientras las for-maciones de la derecha se refieren a España, los partidos de corte progresista o nacionalista hablan del Estado español. De igual modo, el término patria se asocia generalmente al imaginario con-servador. Desde su irrupción en el panorama político en el año 2014, Podemos ha tratado de resignificar dicho concepto, articulando un patriotismo constructivo opuesto al patriotismo ciego de los conser-vadores. Para ello, ha intentado vincular la patria a la defensa de los derechos y libertades del pueblo y al estado del bienestar. Este trabajo pretende explicar en qué ha consistido la apropiación del término en el discurso de la formación durante sus dos primeros años de andadura parlamentaria (2016-2017).

Palabras clave:

Patriotismo constructivo; discurso político; Unidos Podemos; pa-tria; marco conceptual.

Received: 23/06/2020 - Accepted: 24/10/2020

Recibido: 23/06/2020 - Aceptado: 24/10/2020