Two explorations of hate speech against the Andalusian variety, from the bookish tradition to the digital press

Dos calas en el discurso del odio al andaluz, de la tradición libresca a la prensa digital

doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 251-264 | 251

July-December of 2020

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

How to cite this article:

Carriscondo-Esquivel, F. M.; El-Founti Zizaoui, A. (2020). Two explorations of hate speech against the Andalusian variety, from the bookish tradition to the digital pressl. Doxa Comunicación, 31, pp. 251-264.

Francisco Manuel Carriscondo-Esquivel. Professor of Spanish at the University of Malaga. He has published numerous scientific papers in journals such as Boletín de la Real Academia Española, Bulletin Hispanique, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, Revista de Filología Española, Revue Romane, Romance Philology, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, etc. He has developed his teaching and research activities in prestigious academic institutions in Germany, Argentina, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, United States, France, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and United Kingdom. He is the founder of the web sites and Professor Carriscondo is a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language and of the Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas at the University of Salamanca.

University of Malaga, Spain

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-1812-9609

Amina El-Founti Zizaoui. PhD candidate at the University of Malaga. Graduated in Hispanic Philology and Master in Secondary Education at the same university. Currently, she is working as a researcher and teacher in the Spanish Department of the University of Malaga. Her main line of research is the study of linguistic ideologies, especially applied to media. She is a member of the research group “Análisis de noticias sobre divulgación lingüística, las lenguas de España y sus variedades” and the Lengua y Prensa project.

University of Malaga, Spain

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-5127-0148


The aim of this work is to trace a route on the perception of the variety of Spanish spoken in Andalusia, from its beginnings in the 16th century to its presence in current technological supports, such as those evidenced by the digital press. For this purpose, we will select a series of representative samples: book references from the 16th to 19th centuries, audiovisual extracts from television series, films and, finally, journalistic texts collected in the Spanish digital press. The corpus arises as a result of our experience as researchers


Este trabajo persigue como objetivo trazar un recorrido de la per-cepción de la variedad del español hablada en Andalucía, desde sus comienzos en el siglo xvi hasta su presencia en soportes tecnoló-gicos actuales, como los que evidencia la prensa digital. Para ello, seleccionaremos una serie de muestras representativas: referencias librescas de los siglos xvi al xix, extractos audiovisuales proceden-tes de series de televisión y películas y, finalmente, textos periodís-ticos recogidos en la prensa digital española. El corpus surge como

Received: 26/05/2020 - Accepted: 12/11/2020

Recibido: 26/05/2020 - Aceptado: 12/11/2020