ARBITRAJE DE INVERSIONES. 1. Lu Wang y Wenhua Shan, Force Majeure and Investment Arbitration. 2. Andreas Kulick, Provisional Measures after Ukraine v Russia. 3. Vanessa S.W. Tsang, Should There Be Implied Confidentiality in Investment Treaty Arbitration? II. ASPECTOS PROCESALES DEL ARBITRAJE INTERNACIONAL. 1. George A. Bermann, Limits to Party Autonomy in the Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal. 2. Andrea Carlevaris, Inherent Powers of Arbitrators and Interim Measures. 3. Loukas A. Mistellis y Giammarco Rao, The Judicial Solution to the Arbitrator’s Dilemma: Does the ‘Extension’ of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories Threaten the Enforcement of the Award. 4. Domenico Di Pietro, Party Autonomy and Public Policy Awards by Consent. 5. Crina Baltag, Article V(1)(e) of the New York Convention: To Enforce or Not to Enforce Set Aside Arbitral Awards? III. ARBITRAJE Y TECNOLOGÍA. 1. Dirk Wiegandt, Blockchain, Smart Contracts and the Role of Arbitration. 2. Philip D. O’Neill, Jr., Transformative Technology and Arbitration’s Emerging Future. 3. Maxime Chevalier, From Smart Contract Litigation to Blockchain Arbitration, a New Decentralized Approach Leading Towards the Blockchain Arbitral Order. IV. DIVERSIDAD EN EL ARBITRAJE. 1. Kabir Duggal y Amanda Lee, A 360– Degree, Kaleidoscopic view of Diversity and Inclusion (or the lack thereof) in International Arbitration. 2. Devorah Spigelman, Jay-Z and the Case for Diversity in Arbitral Tribunals.
Derechos de autor 2024 Ruhani Sanghavi; Revista Arbitraje
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