El sueño de la microficción






Borges, Intertextuality, Microfiction, Monterroso, Saer, Dream


There are formal elements in the field of micro-fiction on which specialized criticism has reached an agreement: temporal and spatial brevity; the double movement of an identity discourse together with a transcultural perspective; the complicity between writer and reader; the timelessness of what is narrated and its transience; the preponderance of the metafictional and intertextual; the presence of dialogues, homages, parodies, pastiches, direct or indirect references to other authors. Taking into account the coexistence and alternation of these elements, we will analyze "La cucaracha soñadora" by Augusto Monterroso, "El caballo" by Jorge Luis Borges and "Cosas soñadas" by Juan José Saer; trying to research in: the singularities of the dream scenarios; the intertextual and metafictional dialogue with universal literature writers such as Kafka, Chaucer and Proust; and finally, about the textual place where these micro-fictions appear and the interpretive and creative challenge that they entail for the reader.


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How to Cite

Moran, M. A. (2023). El sueño de la microficción. Microtextualidades. Short Short Story and Minifiction International Journal, (14), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.31921/microtextualidades.n14a4