Self-absorption and technique: recent contributions for a systematic interpretation of Ortega y Gasset’s work




Philosophy of the technique, technology, mass culture, robotics


The digitised edition of the Complete Works (Obras Completas) of the Centre for Orteguian Studies of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation (Centro de Estudios Orteguianos de la Fundación José Ortega y Gasset), in which a meticulous work method has been used to chronologically organise his philosophical and journalistic endeavours, has served as an effective platform for renewed interest in his legacy. Ortega y Gasset forecasted several highly important phenomena, the importance of which can now be verified, such as the accelerated advance of technology, Europe’s lower profile as a world leader, transfer of the revolt of the masses to social networks, and the close proximity of the planet due to advances in communication. The fruition of these prognostications and the meticulousness of the edition have created renewed interest in studying his work, which has been reflected in the recent publication of writings that highlight the foresighted originality of Orteguian philosophy. These works concur in emphasising that the core essence that gives meaning to Ortega’s work as a whole is to be found in his philosophy of technique. This paper analyses a new approach that updates the validity of the Madrid-born philosopher's vision by focusing on his concept of technology.


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Author Biographies

Luis Núñez Ladevéze, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Spain

Full Professor at Complutense University (now retired). He is currently Professor Emeritus of
CEU San Pablo University and Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Social Communication at CEINDO as well. Professor Núñez Ladeveze has completed a total of six, 6-year research terms, and has held the position of PI on six R&D projects since the year 2000. Moreover, he currently serves as the honorary president and founder of the International Association of Researchers and is the founder and president of the editorial board of Doxa Comunicación, which has an i10 index of 81 and an h-index of 22, according to Google Scholar Metrics. Other posts have included Chairman of the
Advisory Board of the Institute of Communication Arts (TRACOR) and Advisor to the Council of Universities. Professor Núñez Ladeveze is a member of the following organisations as well: ANECA, ACAP, ACADEMIA, ANEP, CENAI, AQU, ACSUG, ACSUCYL, and ICMEDIANET. He holds a PhD in Law, a Bachelor’s Degree and Doctorate in Philosophy and Arts, and a BA in Information Science. He has also directed 25 doctoral theses.

Ignacio Álvarez de Mon, Instituto de Empresa, Spain

Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, ICADE (Spain). MBA from Houston University (USA). PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain). Moreover, he is the author of the following books; De ti depende (It depends on you), El desafío de la felicidad (The challenge of being happy), Eduardo, estás despedido (Eduardo, you’re fired), Emprendedores Sociales (Social Entrepreneurs), and El trabajo de tu vida (The job of your life), as well as numerous case studies, articles, and research papers published in scientific journals. Professor of Leadership at the IE Business School. He has worked at the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija as a professor and director of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, as well has holding the post of professor at the Universidad Carlos III and Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) in Madrid. He has also been a visiting professor at Ashridge Business School (UK), Porto Business School (Portugal), the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), the Instituto de Estudios de la Empresa (Uruguay), and the Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial (Ecuador). 

Margarita Núñez Canal, ESIC university/ESIC Business&Marketing School, Spain

PhD in Communication from CEU San Pablo University (2013), Professor Núñez Canal has also completed a Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration (MBA) from IESE University of Navarra (1988), and is a research professor at ESIC university and ESIC Business & Marketing School in Spain as well. Moreover, she is also a researcher on the CONVERED project (CSO2016-74980-C2-1-R) which is entitled “From mass culture to social networks: media convergence in the digital society”. Professor Núñez Canal is also Director of Excellence in Teaching & Learning at ESIC Business & Marketing School in Spain as well.


Alonso, Marcos (2021). Ortega y la técnica. CSIC, 2021

Borel, Jean Paul (1959). Raison et vie chez Ortega y Gasset. Neuchatel: La Baconnière, Citamos por trad. esp. (1969) Introducción a Ortega y Gasset. Madrid: Guadarrama.

Bühler, Karl (1979) Teoría del lenguaje. Madrid: Alianza.

Conill, Jesús (2013). “La victoria de la técnica”, según Ortega y Gasset (una alternativa a Heidegger). Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Conocimiento y Sociedad 2(1), pp. 43-58.

García Madalena, Alfonso. (2019). El centauro ontológico. Idea y sentido de la técnica en Ortega y Gasset. Tesis doctoral, UCM.

González Galán, Fernando. (2021). La recepción de José Ortega y Gasset en España. Madrid: Verbum.

Gutiérrez Simón, Rodolfo (2020). Ortega y Gasset y el pragmatismo norteamericano. Tesis doctoral, UCM.

Núñez Canal, M. y Núñez Ladevéze, L, (2021). “Understanding the revolt: Man the technician in global rhetoric”. Communication & Society, 34(4), pp. 33-47.

Núñez Ladevéze , L., Vázquez Barrio, T., Núñez Canal, M. (2020). El tránsito a la modernidad líquida global: la rebelión de las masas en el vecindario indefinido. Arbor, 196 (797) a568.

Núñez Ladevéze, L.; M. Núñez Canal, I. Álvarez de Mon, I. (2021). «El anuncio de Ortega y Gasset del progreso regresivo hacia el individualismo en red». Anàlisi: Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura, núm. extraordinaro 2021, 65, 87-101.

Núñez Ladevéze, L., M. Núñez Canal y Álvarez de Mon, I. (2021). Límites del campo empírico en el observatorio de la red. Sotelo Joaquín y González Joaquín, Digital media: El papel de las redes sociales en el ecosistema educomunicativo en tiempos de covid 19. Madrid. McGraw Hill, pp. 963-98.

Núñez Ladevéze, L., Núnez, M. y Navarro, M. (2021). Rescatar la retórica: Del progreso regresivo de las masas a la servidumbre tribal en red. Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar De Estudios.

Núñez Ladevéze, L.,Vázquez Barrio, T. y Torrecillas, T. (2022). Prótesis de la inteligencia aplicadas al periodismo. Sheila Liberal y Marina Rodríguez. Redes sociales en tiempo de la Covid–19: narrativas, bulos, algoritmos y marcos narrativos III. pp. 447-463 McGraw Hill.

Núñez Ladevéze, L. y Núñez Canal (2022). “Environment” or “Galaxy”: The quotations from Ortega y Gasset that McLuhan cited in War and Peace”. Palabra Clave (en fase editorial: Aceptado 20 de julio 2021).

Ortega y Gasset, J. (2004-2010). Obras Completas. 10 Volúmenes. Fundación Ortega. Marañón-Taurus.

Vázquez, T. y Núñez Ladevéze, L. (202o). Redes fugaces. Síntesis.

Vela, Fernando García (2010). La fantasía de la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset y el existencialismo. Ensayos, Madrid: Fundación Santander.



How to Cite

Núñez Ladevéze, L. ., Álvarez de Mon, I., & Núñez Canal, M. (2022). Self-absorption and technique: recent contributions for a systematic interpretation of Ortega y Gasset’s work. Doxa Comunicación. Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication Studies and Social Sciences, (35), 379–393.



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